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Sour cherry juice comes from Montmorency cherries, a deliciously tart cherry with a candy-red vibrancy. They’re smaller than sweet cherries, which are usually a deep, purply red colour. Tart cherries are lower in sugar than sweet cherries, and they’ve caught the eye of researchers for their zingy health properties.

You can get sour cherry supplements, which are usually sour cherries in juice form. Consuming the berry regularly has lots of wellness advantages, but what exactly are they? In this article, we’re spilling the juice on sour cherry extract benefits and ways you can use the cherry to elevate your health.

Health benefits of sour cherry juice

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There are lots of sour cherry concentrate benefits for the body, from lowering inflammation to enhancing brain health. Read on for the science behind the claims.

Sour cherry juice and sleep

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Tart cherries are enriched with the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for making you feel sleepy. A 2012 study found that participants who took tart cherry juice concentrate had a significant melatonin increase after just 7 days. They experienced better sleep quality and sleep duration.

If you have temporary sleep trouble, sour cherries are the perfect way to wind down before bed. Alternatively, have some tart cherry juice during the day to balance your hormones for a soothing night’s rest.

Sour cherry juice for inflammation

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Inflammation occurs when cells become irritated, which can trigger health issues. Excessive inflammation has been linked to depression, trouble sleeping, irritated skin, gut issues, hair loss, and more. Tart sour cherry juice contains compounds called anthocyanins, which are excellent antioxidants that protect and repair cells from inflammation.

A 2019 clinical trial gave a group of people 480 ml of tart cherry juice or a placebo drink for 12 weeks. They found that those taking the tart cherry juice supplement had an increased plasma level of DNA repair. This is because the sour cherry provides the body with antioxidants for an anti-inflammatory effect.

Sour cherry juice for arthritis

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Arthritis is a painful, chronic condition caused when joints become inflamed, creating aches, pain, and stiffness. A 2013 study gave participants with knee osteoarthritis (the most common form of arthritis) tart cherry juice for 6 weeks. 

The results showed that the cherry juice lowered specific proteins in the blood, a sign that it reduced arthritic inflammation. This makes sour cherry a natural pain treatment for mild to moderate arthritis. 

Sour cherry juice for cognitive function

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Tart cherry juice is a potent antioxidant that protects brain cells from oxidative stress and reduces inflammation. These effects have the potential to increase concentration, focus and memory. 

A 2019 study gave two cups of sour cherry juice to randomly assigned participants for 12 weeks. The other participants had a placebo drink, and after 12 weeks, both groups took part in cognitive function tests. The adults who took the tart cherry juice extract supplement had better learning abilities, memory and attention spans.

Sour cherry juice for a healthy immune system

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Tart sour cherry juice is bursting with a variety of vitamins and minerals that fortify the immune system. Researchers believe sour cherry extract helps the immune system because of its fantastic anti-inflammatory properties and protection against oxidative stress.

A 2015 study gave tart cherry juice to marathon runners before and after a race. 50% of the placebo group who didn’t receive the cherry juice supplement came down with a respiratory tract infection after the marathon. However, none of the runners who had sour cherry juice developed an infection.

Biona’s best sour cherry juice

Biona Organic Pressed Tart Cherry Juice is organic sour cherry juice that’s freshly pressed from vibrantly juicy sour cherries. The bitter cherry extract is rich in antioxidants, calcium, zinc and vitamin C. These tangy cherries contain more vitamin A than blueberries and are a superfood you need in your cupboard.

How to use sour cherry juice concentrate

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For the delicious, zippy benefits of sour cherry juice, you need to consume it consistently. Below are some tasty ways to get in your daily dose of tart cherry juice.

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Our favourite way to enhance your well-being is by making a sour cherry drink. Grape Tree’s simple sour cherry mocktail recipe uses fresh tart cherry juice infused with lime and mint for a refreshing experience.

Have it as an alternative to a cocktail on a hot summer evening to enliven your body with antioxidants and wake up hangover-free. It’s the perfect luxury to look after your health while still socialising and relaxing in the summer sun.

Make a sour tart cherry juice smoothie

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The red cherry extract turns smoothies into a deep red-pink for a beautifying smoothie. We adore whizzing up a dash of tart cherry juice with raspberries to enhance the colour and continue the berry theme.

Add a handful of fresh spinach leaves to get in your leafy greens and a sprinkle of Golden Flaxseeds for Omega-3 and protein. For a breakfast smoothie, pad the drink out with Jumbo Oats for fibre. Leave in the fridge for a cold, refreshing drink and add a sprig of mint to finish off the freshness.

Add sour cherry juice concentrate to desserts

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Whipping up something sweet but want to sneak in vitamins and minerals? No problem. Sour cherry juice enhances the flavour of desserts like tart cherry pie, tart cherry cheesecake and tart cherry crumble.

Infuse your water with pure sour cherry juice

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A simple and effective way to get your daily dose of tart cherry is by infusing your water with the cherry. Mix organic cherry juice with sparkling spring water and add crushed ice for an uplifting drink. Enjoy first thing in the morning for a revitalising start to your day or just before bed to help induce sleep.

Sip on the tart health benefits of sour cherry with Grape Tree

Photo Credit: "© [alicja neumiler] / Adobe Stock

Tart cherry juice extract is a health-enhancing supplement you need. It helps to ease joint pain, boost your brain health, and fortify your immune system. Buy sour cherry juice today and enjoy the beauty and wellness benefits of tart cherries with Grape Tree.

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