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Organic moringa powder is packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. But it’s not well-known in the wellness world. So, in this article, we spill the secrets of the miracle powder. Read on for the benefits of moringa leaves and a crash course on how to use moringa leaf for healthy living
What is Moringa Powder?

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Moringa leaf powder is made from a green plant with soft, oval-shaped leaves. Grape Tree carefully selects, washes, dries, and crushes each leaf into a rich green powder that tastes similar to spinach. Some powders also contain the wonderful benefits of moringa seeds, which have potent, nutritious properties.
What are the Health Benefits of Moringa Tree?

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Moringa tree's benefits are plentiful, and it makes an excellent addition to your wellness cupboard essentials. Read on for the incredible advantages of regularly consuming moringa.
High In Protein

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Despite being a plant, moringa is surprisingly high in protein, which is great news for vegans who need plant-based protein. Protein is vital for increasing muscle mass, bone health and robust hair and nails. Our organic moringa powder has 29 grams of protein per 100 grams, helping you reach your daily protein goals.
Read more: How To Hit Your Vegan Protein Intake.
Boots Fibre Intake

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Fibre keeps you full for longer and has slow-releasing energy - vital for maintaining a healthy weight. More fibre will help you avoid sugar crashes and replace the sluggish feeling caused by glucose spikes with better energy levels.
The recommended amount of fibre is 30 grams a day. But getting enough is challenging in a world of fast food and convenience meals. Luckily, our moringa contains 19 grams of fibre per 100 grams. Add a spoonful to your breakfast smoothie for a simple way to achieve your fibre intake.
Rich in Antioxidants

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Antioxidants are a wellness buzzword, but what are they, and what do they do? In a nutshell, antioxidants protect your cells from harmful damage. UV rays, smoking, excess alcohol, sugar, and sleepless nights all contribute to cell damage. However, antioxidants act as a forcefield to shield your cells.
We’re not saying that taking moringa means you can smoke and drink without consequence. But we all indulge in snacks or have a late night now and then. So, getting ahead of the game and consistently consuming antioxidant sources is a good idea.
Increases Bowel Health

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A cornerstone of looking after your body is treating it with gut-loving food. Moringa has a mild laxative effect, triggering natural bowel movements to prevent bloating and cramps. So, if you want to skip the morning caffeine to wake up your digestion, try moringa powder instead of coffee.
Naturally Treats Skin Issues

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Skin issues can include dryness, redness, flaky patches, and acne. Many things can cause these problems, but they are usually a sign of infection or inflammation.
Moringa is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, making it a fantastic option for calming aggravated skin. So, experiment with moringa to enhance your skincare routine if you struggle with an irritated complexion.
May Protect Your Liver

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Your liver is a vital organ that filters out toxins, breaks down protein and collects vitamins and minerals. But sometimes, lipids (or fatty acids) can build in the liver, affecting its function.
When you don’t have a healthy liver, you struggle with energy, gut health declines, and you can become forgetful and confused. In extreme cases, the build-up causes liver disease or liver failure, which can be fatal.
A 2017 study studied the effects of moringa on guinea pigs. The group given a higher dose of moringa leaves showed a lower accumulation of lipids in their livers. Whereas the group with a lower dosage had a higher lipid count. So, if you want to nurture your liver, moringa could be an excellent place to start.
Reduces Blood Pressure

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The protein in moringa strengthens artery walls, keeping them open and enhancing blood flow. Fibre from the leaves gently releases energy and lowers the risk of blood clots or hardened artery walls. This puts less strain on your heart and decreases blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease.
How to Use Moringa Leaf

Photo Credit: "© [Dina] / Adobe Stock
Grape Tree’s organic moringa leaf powder is simple to use. You can add it to dishes and snacks to nurture your body and provide quick nutrition. All you need is one dessert spoon. Here are our favourite ways to use the power-packed powder:
- Add to smoothies - Smoothies are an excellent way to get fibre and protein into your diet. Try mixing freeze-dried raspberries, superfood seeds and your favourite milk with moringa.
- Stir into yoghurts - Greek yoghurt is bursting with probiotics and protein. But what about fibre? Easily increase your fibre intake by adding a spoonful of flavourful moringa.
- Put a pinch in your pesto - Living a healthy diet is about finding small ways to enhance your nutrition. So, the next time you make a pesto and pasta dish, add a dash of moringa for extra fibre and protein

Photo Credit: "© [dehrig] / Adobe Stock
- Boost your juices - Any green juice lover is missing out if they’re not including a dash of moringa. It’s a simple way to get additional vitamins and minerals. You can also add it to orange juice if you need citrusy sweetness.
- Mix into guacamole - Moringa in guacamole? You heard us right! The subtle spinach flavour complements the avocado-based dip and enhances the colour with its natural green pigment.
What Are the Side Effects of Taking Moringa?

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There is too much of a good thing, and if you fill your daily smoothie with moringa, you may experience an upset stomach and abdominal cramps. You should also avoid taking it if pregnant. But, overall, you don’t need to worry about the side effects of moringa if you are taking pure moringa oleifera in the correct dosage.
Boost Your Wellness With Organic, Pure Moringa
Grape Tree’s best moringa powder is bursting with iron, calcium, potassium and vitamins A, B and C (to name a few!). Look after your liver, nurture your gut and protect your body with antioxidants. All it takes is a spoonful of moringa. Take regularly to see the benefits and live well with Grape Tree.